Patients receive all the speech therapy they need at no charge – and then they Pay It Forward to help someone else.
Since 2008, Parkinson Voice Project has provided ALL of its speech therapy services using the “Pay It Forward” concept. We provide the highest level of speech therapy services to people with Parkinson’s and related movement disorders. Then, twice a year, we encourage patients, families, and community supporters to Pay It Forward to help someone else.
Parkinson Voice Project is unique. We do not charge for our SPEAK OUT! Therapy, SPEAK OUT! Workbooks, Speech Therapy Groups, Singing Groups, Online SPEAK OUT! Home Practice Sessions, or Online Sing-Alongs. We also provide free training to speech-language pathologists and graduate students through our SPEAK OUT! Grant Program.
Funding a medical clinic through Pay It Forward is quite unique. Parkinson Voice Project has saved thousands of dollars and countless hours of time and energy by providing its speech therapy at no charge. The clinic doesn’t have a billing office. No Medicare billing specialists. No insurance paperwork. No copayments. No collections department.
Every person with Parkinson’s or a related movement disorder in Texas can receive all the speech therapy they need and deserve at Parkinson Voice Project. Twice a year, the organization asks patients, families, and community supporters to Pay It Forward — make a donation — to help future patients learn how to speak and live with INTENT.
Parkinson Voice Project will always be grateful to Bart & Joan Bartholomew who made a major gift in 2008 enabling the organization to start “Pay It Forward.”
Joan was diagnosed with Progressive Supra-Nuclear Palsy (PSP) and received treatment by Parkinson Voice Project’s Founder, Samantha Elandary, at her home beginning in 2002. Bart was then diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2003. Samantha helped the Bartholomews, and then they paid it forward to help others.
Donate to Parkinson Voice Project
Please contact Parkinson Voice Project at (469) 375-6500 or (833) 375-6500 to discuss stock donations and IRA Charitable Contributions.
We are also grateful to supporters who have joined our Bartholomew Circle by including Parkinson Voice Project in their estate plans. Together, we will make SPEAK OUT! accessible to people with Parkinson’s and related movement disorders worldwide.